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The scandal, this is how Rama helped Bolino to rob the properties in the former "Partizani" Complex with the same scheme he followed with Jamarbër Malltez, the charges and documents are revealed

The scandal, this is how Rama helped Bolino to rob the properties in the former

The Special Prosecutor's Office continues the investigation into the legality of the privatization of the former Partizani sports complex in Tirana. Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, his son-in-law, Jamarbër Malltezi and the builder Fatmir Bektashi are suspected of corruption, while Mr. Malltezi is also suspected of money laundering. Under the pressure of the court proceedings for the privatization of the "Partizani" complex, the Berisha family has counterattacked with a strong denunciation that affects the same area of ??Tirana, but which places the accused, Edi Ramë, in the position. It is about the land where Karlo Bolino has placed his media for several years. There is no secret in the fact that Bolino's media are in support of the Rama government, and Berisha's denunciation may also reveal the reasons for this sympathy. According to Berisha, Bolino is the beneficiary of a plot of considerable value thanks to a scheme implemented by Prime Minister Edi Rama. It is about a piece of land that the heir families of the land where the Partizani complex was built decided to donate to the municipality of Tirana to build a gymnasium, claims Berisha. As proof of this gift to the Municipality, Berisha does not have a document to show that the heirs of the plot donated their property for the gymnasium, but he has produced the regulatory plan documents from 2013, as seen below:

The scandal, this is how Rama helped Bolino to rob the properties in the formerThe scandal, this is how Rama helped Bolino to rob the properties in the former

In the document that shows the regulation of the plan, (document below) according to Berisha, it is clearly written that in the property that was donated to the municipality on Ndre Mjeda street, municipal unit no. 7, area no. 11, the construction of a high school was foreseen.

The scandal, this is how Rama helped Bolino to rob the properties in the former

But what happened next? Instead of the Municipality starting work on the construction of the gymnasium, within 7 months the property passed to the owner of the media, Karlo Bolinos, for whom the road to privatization was also opened, just like with Jamarbër Malltez.

The scandal, this is how Rama helped Bolino to rob the properties in the former

The scheme was made possible by three consecutive decisions of the government of Edi Rama. "With the first decision of the Council of Ministers with no. 642 dates. 02.10.2019, Edi Rama donates to himself and his Bollino 4020 m2 of land and over 1600 m2 of building for 1 euro for 20 years" says Berisha, taking out the document below:

The scandal, this is how Rama helped Bolino to rob the properties in the former

With the second decision, February 2020, i.e. 4 months later, the area for Bolino is increased by 870 square meters. The property is added, but the rent remains the same, 1 euro.

The scandal, this is how Rama helped Bolino to rob the properties in the former

Tre muaj më vonë del vendimi i tretë. Në maj të 2020 kryeministri vendos t’i prishë tre ndërtesat që ia kishte dhënë me qira Bolinos. Të njëjtat që i kishte dhënë me qira 1 euro, pak më herët. “Kjo bëhet që investimet Rama-Bollino të tejkalojnë në vlerë, vlerën e tokës dhe të bëhen de fakto në vitet në vazhdim, pronë e tyre. Të bëhet pronë e tyre edhe toka,” shpjegon Berisha. Për akuzat e Berishës, ka reaguar botuesi Karlo Bolino.  “Monologu i “prokurorit Berisha” kundër meje u transmetua live nga disa televizione duke përfshirë RTSH 24 dhe Klan Neës, pra dy televizione me licencë kombëtare, një nga të cilat i paguar me lekët e taksapaguesve, pra edhe me lekët e mia. Duke e ditur që nuk jam as një politikan as një zyrtar, por thjesht një gazetar, pronar i një media, çfarë mundësie më është ofruar nga këto media që kanë detyrime të veçanta ndaj ligjit, për të garantuar integritetin dhe dinjitetin tim ndaj kësaj hakmarrje primitive dhe shpifëse të një ish-presidenti dhe ish-kryeministri nën hetim, që nuk përfaqëson më asnjë parti politike? A i takon Autoritetit të Mediave Audiovizive të reagojë?,” shkruan Bolino.

Reagon Edi Rama

Edhe kryeministri Rama hodhi poshtë para pak ditësh si të pabaza akuzat se ai ka favorizuar botuesin dhe gazetarin Carlo Bollino lidhur me tokën mbi të cilën është ndërtuar godina e televizionit të tij. Duke iu përgjigjur pyetjes së gazetares, në konferencë për median Rama tha se dihet përse bëhet sulmi të cilin e quajti shumë të ulët. “Sa i përket sulmit shumë të ulët që i bëhet botuesit në fjalë që nuk ia përmende emri, që quhet Carlo Bollino. Mund t’iu them vetëm kaq. Që është një akuzë ose zinxhir akuzash pa asnjë bazë. Fare! Nuk ka asnjë bazë! Eshtë procedura më rutinë e ndjekur si në shumë e shumë raste të tjera kur është fjala për ngrehina të rrënuara që jepen për t’u përdorur për një sipërmarrje X, Y, Zeta. Asgjë tjetër nuk ka këtu. Të gjitha të tjerat janë fantazira. Ti përgjigjesh dhe të sqarosh fantazirat është e kotë sepse ia thashë më përpara njërës nga koleget e tua: Ok, ata thonë kështu, ti thua kështu? Po si është e vërteta? Unë kam të vërtetën time. Merrini këto që po them, merrni jurist e nxirrni konkluzionet por është krejtësisht banale dhe nuk ia vlen, por dihet shumë mirë pse bëhet”, tha Rama.

Skema e Ramës me Jamarbër Malltezin

So, as we can see from the accusations and the recently disclosed documents, the affair of the Partizani Complex does not only involve the "Berisha" family and its loyalists, but Rama is also the main victim. This was confirmed by the investigation of the Voice of America two days ago. This whole scandal begins with the signature that Mayor Edi Rama signed on 29.12. 2007 for the destruction and return to the construction site of the "Partizani" sports complex. This decision is known how and why and in whose favor it was signed and sealed. This scandal of 2007-2008, prepared by Rama of the Municipality of Tirana and Berisha of the government, is destroyed by a document issued 15 years ago, i.e. in 1994, by the central office of the Albanian State Archives, when the General Director of of this archive was Sali Berisha's son-in-law, or more precisely, the father of Saliu's son-in-law and Argita's father-in-law, Luan Malltezi. According to this document, i.e. this document with prot number 1586/1, dated 12.05.1994, signed at the time by the director of General of the State Archives, Luan Malltezi, the former owners of the land of the sports complex "Partizani" in Tirana, were expropriated by the former Fascist Italian government, in the years 1940-1941, paying them the land against the prices of the time and that ex- the owners have signed the receipt of the relevant financial values. On December 29, 2007, Edi Rama, in his capacity as the former mayor of Tirana, approved as a construction site the public complex "Partizani", as a residential and service building with 5, 7 and 9 floors, with 2 floors of underground parking. This action in the language of the law is called abuse, destruction and robbery of public property, while in the language of the Rama-Berisha clan, it is called benefit and enrichment. And it is no coincidence that this decision, which bears the logo of the Council of Regulation-Territory (KRRT) of Tirana, turns out to have been taken on December 29, 2007, a day on the calendar that is Saturday, a day when the public administration has a holiday by law and according to the law, no official action is recognized as legally valid on holidays, except in cases of civil emergencies, which are related to helping the population. The goal was to turn the "Partizani" sports complex into a construction site for the construction of palaces and palaces, where the owner of this building turns out to be the son-in-law of the former prime minister of "clean hands" Sali Berisha, Jamarbër Malltezi, the husband of Argita and the sister of his, Olta Malltezi.

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