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From Azem Hajdari, Shinasi Rama, Sali Berisha, Aleksandër Meksi, Gramoz Pashko, to Sabri Godo and Remzi Lani, Ilir Demalia releases the "bombshell" list of "VIP" characters who were part of the former State Security and Labor Party, here aliases

From Azem Hajdari, Shinasi Rama, Sali Berisha, Aleksandër Meksi, Gramoz

The Student Movement of December 1990 was organized, while many well-known names that have dominated the media and politics in Albania in these 33 years of democracy have been agents of the former State Security and members of the Labor Party. This is what the well-known analyst Ilir Demalia expressed in an interview yesterday. The Albanian parliament and politics, even the media positioned close to the Albanian political wings, for 30 years have returned to the "civil status" of the second names of politicians, governors and high state officials, in relation to their former past. as former spies of the infamous State Security of the Albanian communist dictatorship. There is no doubt now, that many of the political and governing figures in Albania, but also of all the other central and local structures of the state, are contingents of the former security of the state in the position of a spy. But in the secret files of the former Security, there are nicknames of politicians and senior government officials with nicknames that the analyst Ilir Demalia disclosed to some of them yesterday while he was invited to a television studio.

- Mr. Demalia, how did you experience December 8 and are you disappointed by the protagonists of that era?

We are not functioning democracy, not related to the basic system of democracy. We are a state authoritarianism and a media and social cacophony.

- In 30 years, they are the same people who were there, there was no rotation?

These parties are limited liability companies, they are not parties. They have no space, no ideas. Meta leaves the Freedom Party, his wife comes, Berisha takes out his daughter. Then December 8 was organized. Why? Because there were other events ahead and they did not come as an internal movement, but as spontaneity, as a cause of the situation, as a consequence of the fall of the communist system in all of Europe, from the isolation of Albania and the economic collapse. The economy gives you up. These brought the demonstration in Shkodra, protests in Kavaja, then they dealt with the embassies. All the protagonists, actors, participants in this event were not involved in politics. Which means they were not under the control of the regime. What happened in December? Who organized the student movement? Azem Hajdari. The documents must be opened. Berisha with the PD has accused Azem Hajdari several times, not once, of being an agent of the Security. It is available in writing and orally, as you wish. The other former student from December, who is Shinasi Rama, ran away because Sali Berisha opened the file and ran away. Sali Berisha, member of the Communist Party, candidate Meksi, Gramoz Pashko, Eduard Selami, Skënder Gjinishi, members of the Labor Party, Sabri Godo, members of the Labor Party. Wherever you catch them, most of them are people working for the communist regime. We do not have a transparency. They have no face, no skin and people without an iota of morality.

- Do you think that the state security had a hand in capturing the leadership of the Democratic Party, or did they have many talents and one of their honors was to be state security spies?

This debate should have been exhausted in time, if there had been a good report of public opinion, this debate would have been exhausted in time. But we haven't started yet. Open more files. The media was created by Remzi Lani, who is a former State Security agent with the nickname Holta, who took his own dissidents around him. They supported each other and got stronger economically and here we are today. This system of abuse of economic power continues today. See what Berisha is doing that has family corruption scandals open. Today we should not have been at this point, but we should have moved.

-Sali Berisha is accused of being an agent of the state security or of being taken by Ramiz Alia. But this Sali Berishë put the entire political bureau in jail, starting with Ramiz Alia, Nexhmije Hoxha, etc. As if these do not match.

Pse Enver Hoxha nuk i futi në burg gjithë të vetët? Po në ca burgu i futi ky?! Kur u formua Partia Demokratike kam shkruar një shkrim me titull. “Kush është Partia Demokratike?” Aty i kam thënë me emra të gjithë, çfarë funksionesh kanë pasur, ku kanë qenë, siç i përmenda më lart. Sa i përket faktit ka qenë apo jo Berisha agjent i sigurimit, kjo mund të gjendet nëpërmjet dokumenteve të cilat thonë që janë djegur, por thonë edhe që ka mikrofilma. Por, patjetër është i implikuar Berisha. Po ju them një gjë për herë të parë. Kadri Hazbiu kur shkonte në Tropojë, përpara takonte vëllain e Sali Berishës se sa Sekretarin e Parë.

-Pas 33 vitesh a jemi gati për demokraci?

Nuk mendoj. Sot nuk ka përplasje një debat që të ketë një forcë opozitare. Kemi një rini dhe një popull që nuk do të dijë asgjë sepse zhgënjimi është i madhe. Nuk shoh një forcë që të ngrihet. Ne kemi blerje votash, njerëz që blihen për një thes miell. Kemi largim masiv të të rinjve, edhe ata që janë, janë njerëz pa integritet, nuk kanë respekt për vete. Këto të bëjnë që të jesh pesimist, media është kthyer në një terror ka vetëm “Përputhen”, “Big Brother” dhe Sali Berisha, e njëjta kasetë që sillet dhe rrotullohet gjithë kohës. Kemi një media të rrënuar dhe të papërgjegjshme.

-Ka dalë një sondazh që thotë nëse bëhen zgjedhjet sot Partia Socialiste plus Partinë Socialdemokrate fiton 84 deri në 89 vota?

Plotësisht e besueshme. Ky është rrënim. Po krijohet një humnerë, një sistem monopartiak de fakto, de juro në demokraci, jo demokraci. Kjo është demokracia. Është e tmerrshme. Pse vjen kjo? Sepse njerëzit nuk votojnë më. PS-ja ka ushtarët e vet se është në pushtet, nga ana estetike dhe mënyra e sjelljes janë më elegantë. Ai Parlament është kthyer në një stallë derrash. Nuk është më Parlament, nuk ka asgjë të përbashkët me Parlamentin. Parlament do të thotë të kuvendojmë, të diskutojmë. Ka kohë që nuk ka diskutime aty. Është fare e qartë që kjo bëhet vetëm për hallin e familjes së Berishës.

-E shikon që jemi në ditën e 5 ose të 6 të djegies së sallës së Parlamentit, e sheh si një strategji që mund të ketë rezultat?

Absolutisht jo. Edhe ndërkombëtarët kanë reaguar për këtë kafshëri që bëhet në parlamentin shqiptar. Këta që kanë fuqi të madhe të djegin sallat, pse se djegin fare të vrasin dhe Ramën dhe të marrin pushtetin, kur paskan këta fuqi kaq të madhe pse se bëjnë këtë. Po këta bëjnë zhurmë kot. Rama e ka fushën e hapur, por kjo krijon një vakum dhe bënë Ramën që të ketë një absolutizëm pushteti.

-Si e sheh vendosjen e Argita Berishës në krye të Rithemelimit?

The one who says that he comes from the middle class and goes out there and assembles. What about status? On that day, Berisha, Argita and some other scumbags who are behind Berisha, who think that they will be MPs in the next elections, meet there. This party is divided into several pieces, it is made to make variety. The Socialist Party has an organization at least. That Argita comes out of nowhere as a political activity, she is sanctioned by England and the United States of America and claims to become president. I say that she has this as her goal, but she will become a public person and become untouchable, because having a public status is more difficult. You see what they are doing. Berisha does not appear in court and has not appeared 3 times, this is the end because the court and justice keeps the state, so he does not ask at all and he will do the same with Argita.

- Do you think that Argita will stay in the Democratic Party, do you think that he has the necessary intelligence to keep a party?

They have the party as a shield to avoid facing justice. This party is now in a very serious condition, it no longer inspires confidence. That party has taken the fall. If they had a problem with the party, they would stand up, it is a limited liability company. These small parties are all limited liability companies.

- America has so far changed 6 presidents, while we only have two?

There is also a great social vacuum in the country, because most of them have left. And those who are don't want to involve themselves in these things where you are trivialized as a person. Tell me where to go to go to the Socialist Party?

-Greece, after German pressure, agreed to sign the declaration to open talks with Albania for the EU, meanwhile Rama said that Beleri will stay in prison because that's what the justice said?

I agree with Rama for his stance on this matter, he is the first politician who is showing some kind of strength towards Greece because Greece has done whatever it wanted with us. We have opened the way for Greece in some only because it pressured us. I like this attitude because this is what we have suffered from. Yes, some go and defend Beleri shamefully.

- Are you enthusiastic about our membership in the European Union?

I am pessimistic. I am pessimistic seeing how the situation is going with regards to immigration, with the economic situation in the country. Albania must start to create rotation. We have a completely irresponsible society.

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