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The Law Commission approves 15 candidates for the People's Advocate, 28 deputies' firms are required to pass to the Assembly, here are the names aiming for the post of Ballance
Written by Dario VELAJ 10 Qershor 2023
Komisioni për Çështjet Ligjore, Administratën Publike dhe të Drejtat e Njeriut miratoi ditën e djeshme 15 kandidaturat që garojnë për funksionin e Avokatit të Popullit. Deputetët anëtarë të opozitës dhe mazhorancës vendosën pas afro 6 muajsh të rinisin procesin e zgjedhjes së pasuesit të Erinda Ballancës, e cila qëndron në këtë detyre prej 1 viti jashtë mandatit të saj. Edhe pse palët kanë vendosur që në 2017 që Avokati i Popullit t’i takojë opozitës, socialistët nuk pranuan emrin e Ledio Brahos në 22 dhjetor 2022. Kujtojmë që në 22 maj, nga Kryesia e Kuvendit, kryetari i grupit parlamentar të PS, Taulant Balla kërkoi nga opozita që të sjellë individë që nuk kanë pasur apo kanë pozicion politik. Mes kandidatëve janë emra të njohur si ish-kryetarja e Gjykatës Kushtetuese, Vitore Tusha, ish-kryetarja e Komisionit Qendror të Zgjedhjeve, Lefterie Luzi, ish-këshilltari i Ilir Metës në kohën kur ky i fundit qe president, Bledar Dervishi, anëtari i Komisionit të Ankimimeve dhe Sanksioneve, Ilirjan Rusmali (ish-zv/kryeministër e ish-Ministër i Drejtësisë në kohën e qeverisë “Berisha 1”, ish-drejtori i Policisë së Shtetit, Ahmet Prençi (aktualisht Komisioner i Mekanizmit Kombëtar për Parandalimin e Torturës, pranë Avokatit të Popullit), etj. Emrat do shqyrtohen në komisionet parlamentare për të kaluar më pas në 2 kandidatura finale që do t’i dërgohen Kuvendit të Shqipërisë. Socialistëve u duhen të paktën 6 vota nga opozita për të zgjedhur Avokatin e ri të Popullit.
15 candidates for the People's Advocate
Ahmet Prençi, Alket Jaupi, Besim Ndregjoni, Bledar Dervishaj, Dardan Mustafaj, Drita Avdyli, Edison Frangu, Endri Papajorgji, Erald Aga, Ilirjan Rusmali, Lefterije Lleshi (Luzi), Robert Gajda, Sokol Hazizaj, Tartar Bazaj (former vice-chairman of the High Prosecution Council) and Vitore Tusha.
People's Advocate, Balla: The opposition should bring an apolitical candidate, not 10 names with 28 signatures
After in December of last year, the SP did not accept the candidacy of Ledio Brahos for the position of the People's Advocate from the ranks of the "stamp" DP, the head of the group of socialist deputies Taulant Balla repeated on May 22 the position of Prime Minister Edi Rama that the new Advocate of The people who are expected to replace Erinda Ballance should not come from political life, but jurisprudence. Balla surprised by saying that the democrats should not bring 10 candidacies from 28 firms, as it looks like the Albanian Parliament has 280 deputies and not 140. "The reason why we rejected a candidacy was that we could not vote for the PD lawyer, as the People's Advocate. The opposition must give up the story that they support 10 candidates with 28 firms, let's say they have 280 MPs. It is important that the Ombudsman is not politically engaged, not active in political life, to come from jurisprudence. He should be separated from the parties", said Balla on the issue of the new People's Advocate.
What happened on December 22, 2022? Dvorani and Braho were "burned", SP violated the pact
On December 22, even though both DP factions had decided to send 2 names of candidates for the People's Advocate, Ledio Brahon and Dorian Gjomarkajn, the official DP decided to withdraw the signatures for Gjomarkajn before the plenary session of that day started. They claimed that the Socialists were playing tricks by promising to choose one of the DP candidates, but in fact, they had changed strategy by not accepting either of the 2 names, in order to deepen the rift between the 2 DPs. The "stamp" DP alluded that Rama and the socialists were pressuring them to accept in return the election of Ardian Dvorani as the last member of the Constitutional Court. With the withdrawal of the firms, only Braho's name remained. In the plenary session, what was expected happened. Rama publicly stated that he did not accept the candidacy of Ledio Braho, as he has represented PD in every trial with SP and lost. The General Secretary of the official Democratic Party, Gazment Bardhi, publicly accused Rama in the Assembly hall of planning to elect Dvoran with the support of oligarchs and mobsters. In the end, neither Braho nor Dvorani were elected. Holta Zaçaj was automatically elected as the ninth member of the GJK, according to the points ranking by the Judicial Appointments Council.