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Bardhyl Reso's "bombshell": Edi Rama has a file in the USA, in

Bardhyl Reso, one of the first members of the Initiative Committee of the Democratic Party, spoke about the latest political developments in Albania. In an interview for "", Mr. Reso says that Prime Minister Edi Rama has files in the United States of America and according to him, in 2025 this situation will cost him the chair. He says that even if the socialists win the elections, Rama will no longer be at the head of the government, implying that he will risk prison if he does so.

-Mr. Reso, Olsi Rama took Bardhi to SPAK for a false report, how does America proceed in such cases? Should such politicians have evidence to file charges?

In America, the President's son is called to court because he is accused, and not the President or the president's friend to file a complaint against the court. The prosecution sees Bardhi's complaint and if there are any truths. But this has become a model in Albania for the courts to deal with the problems of Albanian VIPs and fine them. Yes, these are things that make the state banal. Instead of discussing the cardinal problems of the concessions, they had wonderful offers for Skavi?a, but for America's sake, they gave it to Bechtel, which has not yet brought a project. This country is corrupt from top to bottom.

-Ilir Meta goes to Himare, meets Fredi Beleri's father and calls him a political prisoner, how do you see this event?

Janullatos was granted citizenship by Ilir Meta, he committed a national crime with this. Meta isn't right mentally and with his recent actions. But it does because they are sold to Greece, who gave the land, allowed to build monuments, allowed to build the cemeteries of Greek soldiers in Albania. These are all revisions that the Greek Epiriotes have made and the Albanian government is silent. Edi Rama goes to Himare and waits for the new Mitsotakis. We ourselves make the mistakes, we have taught the Greeks to oppress us and have re-elections in Albania to the extent that they ask us for Himara as well. These are not only not satisfied with stealing, they are ready to sell the country just for personal interests to stay in power. Albania will not be made with these politicians.

- On the one hand, Berisha had chosen Beler and on the other Rama, Jorgo Goron, but he also ended up in SPAK, alienation of properties, shopping. It seems like Himara has become the coveted land of Tirana's business world and that is where they are focused and everything is done to have the share of investments on the coast as it has received the highest value in the market?

Of course! Ça remembers that socialists are better men. Beleri was an anti-national figure who never deserved to be the mayor of Himara. Remember that others are better men, all thieves are. If he did the manipulations, they do it in favor of socialist friends, for the husband of the Minister of Defense, Olta Xhaçka. All politicians are anti-national by showing it with the actions done so far.

- It seems that the Albanian opposition is fragmented, in one of them we have the group of Mr. Basha, which is legally known as PD, on the other hand, the Berisha group, but in the middle remains the seal issue. An issue that drags on endlessly. How do you see it, is this not releasing the stamp so that even the citizens understand who the Democratic Party is, harming democracy?

The opposition is destroyed, fragmented. Americans will decide who gets the stamp. If they are convinced that Basha will have his forces and organization within the party. This work ends in a court session for 5 minutes, but it could be the pressure that Rama puts on since their interest is the status quo, leaving it thus creating a quarrel. Instead of dealing with Edi Rama, Basha deals with Bardhi, they criticize each other for being of the same type. Bardhi does the same. These make puns to pass the time. I don't know how it will be decided, they will find a solution, that's how I predict it. They will make a solution for 2025, since Rama is no longer interested in staying in power any longer. And he has a file in America no smaller than the files of Saliu and Meta. They are interested in continuing in this situation and can agree to make a deal. I am convinced and the socialists won with votes in 2025, Rama will no longer be prime minister. It will be much more endangered than it is currently.

-How many opportunities are there for the new parties in this political situation where the opposition and the government find themselves, to find time to come out as an alternative, to have an articulation where we have some young people who speak, how do you see them?

 New parties and if they have platforms, capable people who love Albania, they cannot create a political rotation if they do not have financial support. Even the case of Kreshnik Spahi, from the support he had, which was said to be from Turkey, again no one managed to do in politics. Without mentioning the time when he was in power holding the position of adviser to the president Topi. I find it difficult that people and new parties can be really idealistic and love Albania, in these conditions that an extremely powerful oligarchy has been created with strong ties to the leaders of political parties, the rapid arrival of a new group to make a political rotation, seems impossible to me. Even the efforts that Basha is making seem very slow to me, there should be a much greater activation. There should have been more meetings with people, intellectuals who have influence on how to overcome this handicap.

- How do you see the Democratic Party of Basha in these moments?

Unë nuk njoh strukturat poshtë, sa përkrahës ka në strukturë, sepse nëse do vota ato do merren nga poshtë. Tirana vërtetë bën pjesën kryesore, por janë dhe qytetet e tjera. Të gjithë ato që hyjnë në politikë, qoftë dhe idealistët për të fituar duhet të jenë në forume drejtuese të partisë, pasi nëse nuk janë në këto forume drejtime të partisë është e pamundur të paraqesësh idetë, mendimet e tua për ta çuar vendin përpara. Koha për deri në 2025-ën është shumë e shkurtër me këto ritme që po punohet. Edhe fakti që Grupi Parlamentar i Bashës është shumë për interesa te të pjesa tjetër, edhe lufta që Basha mund të bëjë në Parlament nuk arrin pasi ka pak njerëz.

-Nëse deri para pak vitesh nuk arrestohej askush, sot Altin Dumani është njeriu më i sulmuar nga politika shqiptare. A po trembet politika shqiptare sot nga SPAK-u?

Patjetër!  Nga 200 zyrtarë që janë sot në pushtet, deri tani SPAK-u ka arrestuar deri tani 10 hajdutë.

Dumani kur ka raportuar në KLP, ka thënë: “201 procedime për korrupsion, 18 zyrtarë të lartë.

Shqipëria ka rreth 200 zyrtarë të lartë ka arrestuar 10. Nga 200 hajdutë, SPAK-u ka arrestuar 10 hajdutë. Ka sekuestruar pasuri të ballistëve që merren me drogë, por jo të politikanëve.

-Kreu i SPAK, Altin Dumani, raporton në KLP se në bilancin e punës së vitit 2023 dhe 2024, janë sekuestruar dhe konfiskuar pasuri me vlere 41 milion euro pasuri me origjinë kriminale. Nga të cilat 54% e zënë pasuritë e konfiskuara me vlerën e 22.5 milion euro dhe -46% e zënë pasuritë e konfiskuara me vlerën 19 milion euro. Nga këto konfiskime 2 vila i kanë konfiskuar Ahmetajt.

2 vila, qeveritarët kanë nga 20 vila. Milionat i kanë qeveritarët dhe pjesën më të madhe të parave e kanë çuar jashtë Shqipërisë. Ka persona të veçantë që merren veç me atë punë, merren me transferimin e parave. Në Shqipëri ka lekë sa të duash po shkojnë në duart e tyre. SSPAK-u po punon shumë ngadalë dhe në mënyrë selektive. Akoma kanë frikë nga peshqit e mëdhenj, akoma kanë frikë nga hajdutët kryesorë të Shqipërisë. SPAK-u nuk merret me kokat e mëdha. Del Sali Berisha dhe bën komedi e bën shfaqe. Me këto politikanë nuk bëhet Shqipëria. Ndryshimi fillon nëse bëhet referendum popullor dhe partitë politike të shkrihen të gjitha, pasi të gjithë janë hajdut pa përjashtim.

-Dumani thotë: Shtoni hetuesit e BKH-së pasi kemi shumë nevojë.

Dakord pasi për një javë janë arrestuar 10 drejtorë. Ai nuk arrin me ato punonjës që ka t’i mbarojë këto punë. Jam dakord me këtë por nuk tregon se Dumanin nuk po e zë gjumi për këtë punë. Ai po bën maksimumin dhe po justifikohet se nuk e mbaron dot punën aq shpejtë pasi nuk ka njerëz. Në SPAK ka dosje që rrinë aty prej të paktën 5 vjetësh, pse nuk kalojnë në gjykatë?

-Duhet të kalojnë në procedura..

What procedures, politicians have stolen millions, they want procedures. Proceeded to make the shroud or some shopping. The courts do not change the mentality in Albania. In the justice system, there may be little change only in SPAK and GJKKO, in the others there is no change, the same as they were before. There are those thieves who have stolen less, but not those who have not stolen, and so it continues.

-As for seizing assets, are you saying that politicians should be hit?

 Definitely, categorically with total seizure. Those who are politicians today in their 90's don't have to wear panties and today they walk around in Range Rovers.

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