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Opinion / Editorial

The failure of the Territorial Reform worsened the quality of services for the citizen, typical cases are the municipalities of Vlorë and Selenica.

The failure of the Territorial Reform worsened the quality of services for the

Based on a recent World Bank study, to determine its interventions in the years 2025-2027, the efficiency and effectiveness of local authorities is limited, with negative consequences for the provision of public services. According to the survey, “A decentralization effort in 2014 transferred responsibility for providing services to the public from the central government to local authorities. While the spirit of this initiative was positive, implementation has been problematic, resulting in deficient public services in critical areas, including water supply, waste management, public transport, education, childcare and response to natural disasters." World Bank specialists pointed out that most local authorities have proved unable to acquire the operational and financial capacity to manage and provide these services in a sustainable manner. Consequently, the services offered are insufficient and of low quality of service. On the other hand, this has had a direct negative impact on the human capital, the environment and the economic opportunities of our municipalities. Based on this serious study by the World Bank, which emphasizes the great shortcomings of the territorial reform of 2014-2015, which was built on the expansion of the territory of the Municipalities, increasing their number of powers and on those territories , which have been added to the Municipalities, which were previously known by the territorial name "municipality". In relation to this study, the two purest examples, which prove the truth of this study, are the Municipality of Vlore and that of Selenice, in whose territories there are dozens of problems, and where thousands of citizens do not receive the necessary public services. In essence, the problems that I will present in this discussion arise as a result of the deficiencies on which the territorial reform was built. As a consequence of the large geographical extent, which came as a result of the merger of smaller units of local government, a chain of problems have arisen, the genesis of which is the non-provision of service by the Municipality, where the citizen is not provided with service on time and the right quality. The weak governance of municipalities has made sustainable development a challenge mainly in five directions, the World Bank refers:

First, the provision of public services was deficient in rural areas and contributed to further deepening of inequalities.

Second, urban areas benefit from better coverage with public services, but the quality of services is and has often created social and environmental problems.

Third, high levels of pollution, overcrowding and poor planning are eroding the quality of life.

Së katërti, mangësitë në menaxhimin e mbetjeve të ngurta dhe ujërave të zeza minojnë konkurrencën dhe zhvillimin e qëndrueshëm në sektorët e bujqësisë dhe turizmit.

Së pesti, mungesa e shërbimit të kujdesit për fëmijët minon aftësinë e grave që të marrin pjesë në aktivitete ekonomike.

-Si pasoje e mosdhenies se sherbimit nga ana e Bashkive, ne menyre te njetrajtshme, per te gjithe territorin e saj, problemet ne periferite dhe zonat rurale te Bashkive jane shume te theksuara. Mungesa e furnizimit me uje, infrastruktura e dobet, mbetjet urbane ‘vend e pavend”, mungesa e qendrave shendetesore e atyre kulturore, shkolla te rrenuara, bujqesi e blegtori te pasubvencionuar, legalizime te zvarritura, jane disa nga sherbimet kyce qe ose mungojne totalisht ne njesite administrative te Bashkive, ose jane shume te kufizuara.

-Edhe pse ne keto njesi, nga ana e Bashkive kemi te vendosur administrator te njesive administrative, prape nuk ka qene nje mekanizem zgjidhes, sepse ne shumicen e rasteve eshte vet Bashkia, ajo qe nuk mbeshtet keta administratore, duke i lene zonat e njesive administrative te zhveshura nga ana e degjeses dhe zgjidhjes se problemeve te tyre.

-Ne njesite administrative te Bashkise Vlore (Orikum, Shushice, Novosele, Qender) problemet jane te shumta. Furnizimi me uje, mungesa e infrastruktures rrugore e asaj arsimore, mungesa e qendrave shendetesore, mungesa e zyrave qe te ofrojne sherbimet bashkiake dhe ato civile ne menyre direkte ne territorin e ketyre njesive, mbeten disa nga sfidat kryesore me te cilat perballen nje numer i konsiderueshem qytetaresh, banore te njesive administrative.

-Njesite si Orikumi dhe Radhima, pritese te turizmit qe karakterizon Vloren gjate muajve te veres, kane turizem pompor, ku uji I pijshem sigurohet me anen e pompave dhe orarit, ku furnizimi me uje varion nga 1 deri ne 2 ore, per dite.

-I njejti problem eshte dhe per fshatrat Babice e madhe, e vogel, Alikoke, Xhyherine, Kanine, ku pervecse mungeses se ujit, rrjetit rrugor, kanalizimeve, keto fshatra ende kane mungese te plote te ndricimit, duke u shkeputur here pas here, e dit pas dite.  Fshatrat e njesise administrative Qender (Cerkovine, Trevllazer,Panaja,Skrofotine, Novosele, Akerni,Bishan), vazhdojne te mos njohin asnje investim, jo vetem per furnizimin me uje, por asnje investim qofte edhe per vendosjen e ndonje ndricimi rrugor apo shtrimin e ndonje kilometri rruge.

-Mungesa e investimeve ne njesite administrative dhe mos mbulimi i ketyre njesive me sherbimin e nevojshem, kompetence e Bashkise, deshmon qartazi dispropocionin qe na e sjell dhe ky studim i Bankes Boterore, ku investimet jane te centralizuara vetem ne qendrat e Bashkive, ndersa pjesa tjeter e Bashkive(njesite administrative dhe periferite) jo vetem investime qe nuk implementohen, por ato nuk marrin as sherbimet bazike.

-Reforma territoriale, e deshtuar tashme, e ka larguar ofrimin e sherbimit ndaj qytetarit, duke e bere qeverisjen lokale me te dobet e me te cunguar, me nivel te ulet efektiviteti dhe menaxhimi.

-Duke ecur paralel me te pestat sfidat, e percaktuara nga studimi i Bankes Boterore, per qeverisjen vendore, po sjell ne vemendje nje tjeter shembull, ne lidhje me njesine administrative Orikum, Bashkia Vlore, ku mbeturinat jane kthyer ne nje shqetesim madhor, sepse ato depozitohen brenda njesise territorial te Orikumit, perkatesisht ne segmentin rrugor Orikum-Llogora, duke u shnderruar dhe ne nje pamje jo te mire per sezonin turistik ku jemi futur.

-Bashkia Vlore, nuk duhet te jete vetem nje vije lineare prej 3 km, sic eshte Lungomar-ja, por puna e saj, vemendja e menaxhimi, duhet te shtrihet ne cdo meter katror, pjesee kesaj Bashkie, duke i dhene vemendjen e nevojshme dhe njesive administrative qe jane pjese e saj, dhe  lagjjeve periferike te qytetit.

-Nese vazhdojme ne periferi te qytetit, por edhe ne shume lagjje te vjetra te tij, ndihen te theksuara problemet infrastrukturore, mbetjet urbane e inertet “vend e pa vend”, mungesa e furnizimit me uje, ku ende shume familje e sigurojne ujin me anen e “bidonave”. Lagjjet si:Topana, Partizani, Kushtrimi, Rilindja, 11 janari, 10 korriku, Pavaresia, Ish-fusha e aviacionit, Ish-fabrika e cimentos, ish-stacioni I trenit, blloqe te tjera prane Lungomares, lagjjet 1 dhe 24 maji, jane disa nga rastet tipike ku investimet mbeten nje fjale e larget, pervec se nje premtim i përhershëm elektoral.

Duke vazhduar dhenien e shembujve, edhe Bashkia Selenice, po perballet me sfidat e lartpermendura, ku njesite administrative te saj kane qene larg mbulimit me sherbimet e nevojshme nga ana e Bashkise. Ne kete Bashki ka probleme te theksuara infrastrukturore e sociale.

-Banoret shprehen se infrastruktura ne brendesi te fshatrave eshte jashte cdo standardi.Shkollat e qendrat shendetesore jane te painvestuara dhe shume here banoret detyrohen qe sherbimet baze mjekesore t’i marrin ne qytetin e Vlores.

-Nje shembull tipik i mungeses se rruges qe te con ne keto fshatra, eshte degezimi i rruges nga Kota (lidhja me rrugen e Lumit te Vlores), ne drejtim te fshatrave Velce, Ramice, Verbas, Matogjin, Bashaj, Vermik, rruge te cilen e kemi vendosur ne programin elektoral te Partise Demokratike ne 2021, e cila ne rishikimin e pare te buxhetit, investimi per kete rruge duhet futur, sepse eshte nje krahine e tere me njerez te ndershem, punetore e fisnike.

-Nje rast per t’u pershendetur, ne fshatin Bashaj, me iniciativen e banoreve te fshatit, dhe nismetarit te pare, fotografit te talentuar Adhurim Kucaj, ka filluar te marre jete ndertimi i qendres se fshatit Bashaj, e gjitha me baza vullnetarizmi.

-Modele te tilla, qytetare jane per t’u pershendetur, ku komunitetet e fshatrave mblidhen dhe me baza vullnetarizmi ndertojne qendrat e fshatrave te tyre apo rrugen kryesore te fshatit.

I brought all these points to attention, in the context of what the World Bank study tells us, regarding the problems that the territorial reform has shown, which was essentially a reform that did not focus on the citizen, but In addition, it has highlighted inequalities between the citizens of the same municipality, dividing them as citizens of the center and citizens of the suburbs or rural areas, violating with both feet equality and respect for the rights of its residents. This study by the World Bank, once again gives the right to the recommendations of the Democratic Party, regarding the territorial reform, which measures the fact of increasing the number of municipalities, bringing the number of municipalities from 61, which is currently 94 municipalities. with 33 municipalities more, because it is the only link on which citizens will be treated equally, and where investments and services will be uniform.