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How Meta-Kryemadhi became millionaires during 30 years in politics, here are the

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SPAK issues 19 arrest warrants for Tirana's incinerator, the list includes

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Does the UDB agency connect Sali Berisha and Baton Haxhiu, this is how the

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Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of

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This is why the arrival of the new enemy of the anti-American duo Berisha-Meta at the head of the US embassy in Tirana is being delayed, DASH sounds the alarm and makes a strong call for the Senate

This is why the arrival of the new enemy of the anti-American duo Berisha-Meta

The new ambassador of the United States of America to Albania, David J. Kostelancik, was expected to arrive in early September. It is learned that the American Senate has not yet voted on him and 22 American ambassadors in several countries of the world. This vote was the last step before Kostelancik arrives in Albania, a vote that is expected to take place when the Senate resumes work. No one can predict the Senate and the arrival is likely to be delayed beyond the fall. The well-known journalist in the United States of America, Robert Papa, who directs the show "Focus" has addressed a question to the American Department of State, when will Kostelancik come to Tirana and is Rama favored by the fact that Albania does not have an American ambassador ? The office of the spokesperson of the Department for Focus stated that: "The nomination of Mr. Kostelancik remains pending to be voted on in the Senate. We call on the Senate to confirm the 22 pending nominations. The development and execution of our National Security policies is highly dependent on our ambassadors being confirmed to their posts anywhere in the world." So DASH means that ambassadors play a very important role and their absence leaves room for the national security of the countries, but also of the USA itself.

The new enemy of the anti-American duo Berisha-Meta?

The new American ambassador David J. Kostelancik will be the new enemy of the anti-American duo Meta-Berisha, who have come together today more than ever. Along with them, all those high corrupt officials have gathered around them, fearing the action of SPAK. Berisha-Meta are together mainly in the war against the USA, where they are coordinated and with a clear attack strategy. Knowing that both are 'non grata' in the USA, they started the attack on our biggest partner early on, before the elections of April 25, 2021. This fight intensified after Sali Berisha was declared "non grata" by the USA. On the other hand, Ilir Meta has sensed that he will enter the US "black list" just like Sali Berisha. Kostelancik mentioned the mission that Joe Biden has started to dismantle corruption in the world, especially in the Western Balkans. Today in Albania we are talking about several "VIP" personalities who have been declared "non grata" by the USA, this list is headed by former Prime Minister Sali Berisha, who according to the American State Department and the Binden administration is involved in corruption and undermining democracy. From time to time, US officials, such as Deputy Assistant Gabriel Escobar, have appealed for justice in Albania to investigate the persons declared "non grata". But this decision of the Americans did not affect SPAK and especially Sali Berisha, because the latter calmly continues his political activity, openly challenging them. However, as the Albanian authorities have "closed their eyes", not starting investigations against Berisha, referring to the decision of DASH, which was followed by Great Britain as well. Kostelancik comes with a strong warning mentioning the crackdown on non grata and corruption as a condition to enter the EU. Albania is under strict monitoring by Brussels for integration, since the chapters related to the consolidation of the rule of law and the end of impunity regarding the attack on corruption and crime have been opened, this is the main condition on which the negotiations depend. His role will be important, since the new ambassador can offer any assistant to the Albanian side and cooperate closely because our country is "in the circle of hell" from European conditions. This is an alarm bell for Sali Berisha declared non grata" and his anti-American group. after the chapters related to the consolidation of the rule of law and the end of impunity regarding the attack on corruption and crime have been opened, this is the main condition on which the negotiations depend. His role will be important, since the new ambassador can offer any assistant to the Albanian side and cooperate closely because our country is "in the circle of hell" from European conditions. This is an alarm bell for Sali Berisha declared non grata" and his anti-American group. after the chapters related to the consolidation of the rule of law and the end of impunity regarding the attack on corruption and crime have been opened, this is the main condition on which the negotiations depend. His role will be important, since the new ambassador can offer any assistant to the Albanian side and cooperate closely because our country is "in the circle of hell" from European conditions. This is an alarm bell for Sali Berisha declared non grata" and his anti-American group. since the new ambassador can offer any assistant to the Albanian side and cooperate closely because our country is "in the circle of hell" from European conditions. This is an alarm bell for Sali Berisha declared non grata" and his anti-American group. since the new ambassador can offer any assistant to the Albanian side and cooperate closely because our country is "in the circle of hell" from European conditions. This is an alarm bell for Sali Berisha declared non grata" and his anti-American group.

Kush është Kostelanick?

Ai është një diplomat karriere i Shërbimit të Jashtëm të Lartë të Shteteve të Bashkuara të Amerikës, grada Këshilltar Ministër. Zoti Kostelanick filloi shërbimin e tij si këshilltar për politikën e jashtme të Shefit të Shtabit të Përbashkët, Gjeneral Mark Milley, në gusht 2021.  Z. Kostelancik më parë shërbeu si Zëvendës Shef i Misionit, dhe për dy vjet, si i Ngarkuar me Punë, në Ambasadën e SHBA-së në Budapest në Hungari, ku ofroi udhëheqje dhe udhëzime politike për stafin e misionit prej më shumë se 350 personash. Detyrat e tjera në Departamentin e Shtetit përfshijnë si Drejtor i Zyrës për Çështjet e Evropës Jug-Qendore dhesi Drejtor i Zyrës së Çështjeve Ruse, në Byronë e Çështjeve Evropiane dhe Euroaziatike, si dhe Drejtor i Zyrës së Evropës dhe Azisë në Byronë Ndërkombëtare të Narkotikëve dhe Çështjeve të Zbatimit të Ligjit. Më herët në karrierën e tij, ai shërbeu dy herë në Ambasadën e SHBA në Moskë, duke përfshirë një detyrë si Asistent Special i Ambasadorit Thomas Pickering, me përgjegjësitë për shtrirje në të gjithë Rusinë dhe shkrimin e fjalimeve. Detyra të tjera jashtë shtetit përfshijnë Misionin e SHBA në OSBE dhe Misionin e SHBA në NATO, duke u fokusuar në të dy misionet në bashkëpunimin e sigurisë me Rusinë, Ambasadën e SHBA në Tiranë, Shqipëri dhe Ambasadën e SHBA në Ankara, Turqi. Ai shërbeu gjithashtu në Këshillin e Sigurisë Kombëtare, duke u përqendruar në marrëdhëniet e SHBA me vendet e Evropës Qendrore. Z. Kostelancik mori një diplomë Bachelor nga Universiteti Northwestern në Matematikë dhe Shkenca Politike, një diplomë Master nga Universiteti i Miçiganit në Studime Ruse dhe të Evropës Lindore, si dhe një diplomë Master Shkencor nga Kolegji Kombëtar i Luftës në politikën e sigurisë kombëtare. Ai flet shumë mirë shqip, rusisht, hungarisht dhe turqisht. Ai dhe gruaja e tij janë prindër të tre djemve të rritur.

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