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The pensioners' money is "at risk", here is the new problem that is alarming the third age, the trials of citizens who demand the arrears are increasing
Written by Sidorela Braçja 18 Shtator 2023
After more than 35 years of work, retirement is the reward that seniors look forward to. Today, pensioners in Albania benefit from very low pensions, which makes it impossible to cover expenses without supporting children or without working, while their community is constantly growing. Last week, it was announced that over 650,000 pensioners are expected to benefit from an increase in their pensions from October 1. More specifically, starting next month, pensioners in the city will receive an average of 1,500 ALL more, while those in the countryside will receive less than 900 ALL. From the current 17,350 ALL, what an elderly person living in the city receives every month will become 18,842 ALL. Nearly 1,400 ALL more will also be received by disability pension beneficiaries in urban areas. while those who are treated with family pension will benefit about 700 lek more. Meanwhile, the monthly payment received by an elderly person in the village, after indexation by 8.6 percent, will become 11 thousand 239 ALL from the current 10 thousand 239 ALL. But despite this good news, pensioners in Tirana and not only do not have much faith in post offices, as they are afraid of the possibility of the post office worker taking advantage. "Bad news. To get that other person's pension and financial aid. The state itself took them to take them. The government should control these things. It's good that the pension has been increased, but even those who keep it are robbed. It is a crime", several pensioners unanimously say to the media. 6 percent will become 11,239 ALL from the current 10,239 ALL. But despite this good news, pensioners in Tirana and not only do not have much faith in post offices, as they are afraid of the possibility of the post office worker taking advantage. "Bad news. To get that other person's pension and financial aid. The state itself took them to take them. The government should control these things. It's good that the pension has been increased, but even those who keep it are robbed. It is a crime", several pensioners unanimously say to the media. 6 percent will become 11,239 ALL from the current 10,239 ALL. But despite this good news, pensioners in Tirana and not only do not have much faith in post offices, as they are afraid of the possibility of the post office worker taking advantage. "Bad news. To get that other person's pension and financial aid. The state itself took them to take them. The government should control these things. It's good that the pension has been increased, but even those who keep it are robbed. It is a crime", several pensioners unanimously say to the media. To get that other person's pension and financial aid. The state itself took them to take them. The government should control these things. It's good that the pension has been increased, but even those who keep it are robbed. It is a crime", several pensioners unanimously say to the media. To get that other person's pension and financial aid. The state itself took them to take them. The government should control these things. It's good that the pension has been increased, but even those who keep it are robbed. It is a crime", several pensioners unanimously say to the media.
Facing justice
Meanwhile, the lawyer Xjulieta Veizaj claimed in a media that she has attended at least 12 trials where citizens have asked for the arrears of economic assistance. "We have many problems also because of payments. It is almost all the disabled, tetra and paraplegic, blind people, people with mental health problems who have not received a payment from 2005 to 2010. Court decisions in some of these decisions they have won the cases and are on appeal, so he gave them the right because it belongs to them. I currently have 12 cases, of which 11 have been won and one has been overturned by one judge", stated lawyer Veizaj.
What happened?
Megjithatë kujtojmë se ky alarm i të moshuarve vjen pasi në fillim të këtij muaji 7 punonjës të Postës Shqiptare janë arrestuar nga policia në Dibër, Shkodër dhe Tropojë, të cilët akuzohen se kanë vjedhur pagesat për personat me aftësi të kufizuar dhe pensionet e atyre që jetojnë jashtë vendit. Ministri i Drejtësisë, Ulsi Manja në një postim në rrjetin social Facebook, shkruan se dëmi që i është shkaktuar shtetit është 33.000.000 lekë. Arrestimi i punonjësve sipas ministrit, erdhi pas denoncimit që kanë bërë qytetarët. “Përvetësonin pensionet duke i shkaktuar shtetit një dëm prej 33.000.000 lekësh, 7 zyrtarë para drejtësisë! Falë denoncimeve të qytetarëve, Agjentët tanë të Antikorrupsionit kanë çuar para drejtësisë 7 punonjës të Postës Shqiptare në Dibër, Shkodër, Tropojë, të cilët përvetësonin ndihmën ekonomike, pagesat për personat me aftësi të kufizuar dhe pensionet e atyre që jetojnë jashtë vendit! Zero tolerancë për zyrtarët që abuzojnë me ligjin për përfitime personale! Inkurajoj të gjithë qytetarët të denoncojnë çdo rast të korrupsionit që hasin në zyrat shtetërore. Bëj pjesën tënde në luftën kundër korrupsionit?”, shkroi Manja.
Çfarë ka brenda shportës së shtëpisë së një pensionisti?
Ndërkaq po tregojmë se çfarë ka brenda shportës së shtëpisë së një pensionisti/eje, teksa marrim shembull një të moshuar që çdo muaj tërheq pranë zyrave të Postës pensionin e pleqërisë, vetëm 11,800 lekë. Sipas të dhënave më të fundit të INSTAT për shpenzimet e familjeve sipas grupmoshave, gjysma e të ardhurave e moshës mbi 60 vjeç shkon për ushqim dhe pije jo-alkoolike, më saktësisht 50.9 për qind. Sipas parashikimeve të INSTAT, i moshuari me pension mujor 11,800 lekë duhet të shpenzojë 6,000 lekë në muaj për ushqime, ose 200 lekë në ditë. Pensionistja e moshuar rrëfehet në media se e shikon të pamundur që të jetojë e vetme. Ajo ka dy djem, të cilët e ndihmojnë që të mbyllë të gjitha nevojat që ka. Ndërsa ushqimet zënë pjesën më të madhe të buxhetit të një pensionisti, rreth 4.5 për qind e zënë shpenzimet për shëndetësinë. Mirëpo me moshën fillojnë edhe problemet me shëndetin. Aktualisht pensionistja në fjalë çdo muaj blen ilaçet për të kuruar Osteoporozën, të cilat i kushtojnë 4,000 lekë apo 33% e pensionit mujor. “Fatkeqësisht ilaçet që marr unë nuk janë të rimbursueshme”, shprehet e moshuara.