How Meta-Kryemadhi became millionaires during 30 years in politics, here are the untold stories of the couple who married in power and divorced in opposition, from the luxurious villa with 11 toilets, the palm trees that were brought by helicopter, the...

How Meta-Kryemadhi became millionaires during 30 years in politics, here are the

SPAK issues 19 arrest warrants for Tirana's incinerator, the list includes high-ranking officials, politicians, media leaders and their families, the details of the big operation are disclosed

SPAK issues 19 arrest warrants for Tirana's incinerator, the list includes

Does the UDB agency connect Sali Berisha and Baton Haxhiu, this is how the former prime minister defended the analyst for the villa in Golem who is being investigated by SPAK and "swallowed" all the slanderous accusations that they have exchanged with ...

Does the UDB agency connect Sali Berisha and Baton Haxhiu, this is how the

Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of the DP makes way for Argita and prepares to crown his daughter on the throne with the July 12 protest, Gaz Bardhi ends up as a "squeezed lemon"

Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of

The incinerators' money guarantees Arben Ahmetaj's life on the run, here are the transfers of hundreds of thousands of euros by Albanian taxpayers to Swiss offshores, SPAK reveals that the businessman who is helping him in Lugano is accused of money la...

The incinerators' money guarantees Arben Ahmetaj's life on the run,

Belinda Balluku "mountain" with reports to SPAK, here are all the scandals in which the deputy prime minister is involved, from investigations into incinerators, corrupt tenders, contracts, privatizations and up to scandalous firms for giving public lands

Belinda Balluku "mountain" with reports to SPAK, here are all the

Strong developments within SPAK, the prosecutors extend the investigation deadlines for Arben Ahmetaj by 3 months and send summons to the oligarch who is accused of money laundering

Strong developments within SPAK, the prosecutors extend the investigation

Spartak Ngjela reveals the "bombastic" behind-the-scenes: This is why the divorce of Ilir Meta and Monika Kryemadhi cannot save them from the shackles and the strong reason that DASH senior official Richard Nephew avoided meetings in Tirana with the 'R...

Spartak Ngjela reveals the "bombastic" behind-the-scenes: This is why


The well-known Albanian minister is expected to appear in court, the serious accusations are being clarified

The well-known Albanian minister is expected to appear in court, the serious

Arbërie Nagavci, Minister of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MEST), is soon expected to appear in court on charges of having committed the criminal offense "Unauthorized possession, control or possession of weapons."

Nagavci is accused that on March 21, 2018, during the session in the Assembly of Kosovo in which tear gas was thrown, during the control by the police, a green spray with black spray parts was found on her, reports “Betimi for Justice ”.

The well-known Albanian minister is expected to appear in court, the serious

The indictment provided by the "Oath of Justice", turns out to have been filed in court on July 30, 2019.

Initially, this case was assigned to the judge of the General Department in the Criminal Division of the Basic Court in Prishtina, Ertan Sejfulla, but the same through a follow-up act of March 2, 2020, had forwarded this case to the Department for Serious Crimes.

"With accompanying acts dated 02.03.2020, Judge Ertan Sejfulla from DP in this court has forwarded the case to DKR", it is stated in the notification of the Basic Court in Prishtina.

Kurse, sipas programit të Smil-it lënda i ishte ndarë gjyqtarit Agim Kuçi, i cili kishte kërkuar përjashtimin e tij nga trajtimi i këtij rasti.

“Sipas vendimit GJA nr 495/2021 të datës 25.08.2021 me Aktvendim të Kryetares Albina Rama  është aprovuar kërkesa e gjyqtarit Agim Kuqi për përjashtimin e tij nga ky rast penal pasi ai më parë në këtë çështje ka marr veprime si gjyqtar i procedurës paraprake”, thuhet në njoftimin e Gjykatës Themelore në Prishtinë.

Aktualisht kjo lëndë trajtohet nga gjykatësja Naime Krasniqi-Jashanica.

“Betimi për Drejtësi” ka provuar të kontaktojë me ministren Nagavci, mirëpo e njëjta ka qenë e paqasshme.

Sipas aktakuzës së ngritur nga Prokuroria Themelore në Prishtinë, Arbërie Nagavci po akuzohet për veprën penale “Mbajtja në pronësi, kontroll ose posedim të paautorizuar të armëve”.

Aktakuza thotë se më 21 mars 2018, e pandehura Nagavci në mënyrë të paautorizuar dhe në kundërshtim me ligjin mbi armët ka mbajtur në posedim sprejin me ngjyrë të gjelbër, me pjesë spërkatëse të zezë me mbishkrimin “NATO American Style”.

Tutje, në aktakuzë thuhet se deri sa gjatë mbajtës se seancave në sallën e Kuvendit të Republikës së Kosovës ku ka pasur hudhje të gazit lotsjellës nga disa deputetë, policia për të parandaluar hudhjen e serishme të gazit ka kontrolluar në mënyrë fizike nëpër trup gjithë deputetët.

E gjatë kontrollit trupor të të pandehurës Nagavci, akti akuzues thotë se asaj i është gjetur dhe sekuestruar spreji i lartcekur.

With this, Nagavci is accused of having committed the criminal offense "Unauthorized possession, control or possession of weapons" under Article 374 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo, an offense punishable by a fine of up to 7,500 euros. or with imprisonment of up to five years .